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Mammography screening should be stopped, as it is harmful

Keynote lecture that explains why mammography screening doesn’t save lives (16 minutes). Evidence Live conference at the University of Oxford, England, 25 March 2013. How we got involved with mammograpy screening research in 1999 and published: Is screening for breast cancer with mammography justifiable? Lancet 2000;355:129-34 (7 minutes). Evidence Live conference at the University of […]

Mammography screening should be stopped, as it is harmful Read More »

Why I think antidepressants cause more harm than good

Peter C Gøtzsche, Nordic Cochrane Centre, Dept 7811 Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, I declare no competing interests. This paper was published in Lancet Psychiatry 9 July 2014. Citation: Gøtzsche PC. Why I think antidepressants cause more harm than good. Lancet Psychiatry 2014;1:104-6: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(14)70280-9/fulltext In The Lancet Psychiatry, David Nutt and colleagues1 stated that headlines such

Why I think antidepressants cause more harm than good Read More »

Fup og fakta om psykofarmaka

Peter C. Gøtzsche er professor, dr.med., Det Nordiske Cochrane Center, Rigshospitalet.   Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri og Psykiatriforeningernes Fællesråd holdt et arrangement om psykofarmaka med denne titel på Rigshospitalet den 27. januar. Mødet skulle give ”en neutral og nøgtern vurdering af medicinen”, og anledningen var, at jeg havde igangsat en debat om psykofarmaka i Politiken for

Fup og fakta om psykofarmaka Read More »