Please support the most well-known Danish medical scientist, Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche
Scientific freedom, honesty and integrity are constantly under attack, particularly in healthcare, which is dominated by the drug industry and other economic interests. Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche has shown in his research that the results of this is that our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer, and that the use of psychiatric drugs does more harm than good.
Peter was expelled on 13 September 2018 from the Cochrane Collaboration, a grassroots organisation publishing systematic reviews of the benefits and harms of healthcare interventions, after a show trial conducted by the Cochrane Governing Board. Peter was elected to the Board in January 2017 with the most votes of all 11 candidates, although he was the only one who criticised the Cochrane leadership in his election statement.
Although Cochrane’s own hired law firm exonerated Peter of all charges the Board had raised against him, he was nonetheless expelled, and his hospital added insult to injury by announcing that he will be fired, for no good reason
The donations will be used to cover legal costs and to support a new Institute for Scientific Freedom in order to allow Peter to carry on with his work for the benefit of the patients.
Peter has opened a bank account to support his legal costs. Any surplus will be used to support the work of the new institute. The account will be monitored by outside accountants.
You can donate by using IBAN Account number DK5867710005437934 with swiftcode LAPNDKK1 (Laegernes Bank). Danes can use 67715437934.