Psychiatric drug withdrawal / Udtrapning af psykofarmaka
Book about withdrawal / Bog om udtrapning
Mental health survival kit and withdrawal from psychiatric drugs /
Mentalt overlevelseskit og udtrapning af psykofarmaka
General information / Overordnet information
- List of people who are willing to help you/Liste over folk, der gerne vil hjælpe dig
- Abstinence chart for psychiatric drugs/Abstinensskema for psykofarmaka/
- A practical guide to drug withdrawal/Praktisk udtrapning
- Tips and Tricks (English)/Tips og tricks
- Psychiatric drug withdrawal
Withdrawal course 12 June 2017, see programme here.
Udtrapningskursus 12. juni 2017, se programmet her.
Research seminar about depression pills 14 June 2018, read more about the seminar here.
Lectures / Foredrag (English subtitles on videos)
- Kortegaard, ADHD medicin/drugs
- Toft, benzodiazepiner/benzodiazepines
- Gøtzsche, depressionspiller/depression drugs
- Runciman, neuroleptika/neuroleptics
- Rüdinger, withdrawal in general
- Gøtzsche, diskussion/discussion
Slideshows / Lysbilleder
- Kortegaard, ADHD medicin
- Toft, benzodiazepiner
- Gøtzsche, depressionspiller
- Runciman, neuroleptika
- Gøtzsche, afsluttende diskussion
Last updated 22 June 2020